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Electronic cross-border health services

The eHealth Digital Service Infrastructure (eHDSI) is an infrastructure ensuring the continuity of care for European citizens while they are travelling abroad in the EU. This gives EU countries the possibility to exchange health data in a secure, efficient and interoperable way. Citizens can easily recognise the availability of the services under the brand “MyHealth @ EU”,

The following 2 electronic cross-border health services are currently being introduced in all EU countries:

-ePrescription (and eDispensation) allows EU citizens to obtain their medication in a pharmacy located in another EU country, thanks to the online transfer of their electronic prescription from their country of residence where they are affiliated, to their country of travel.

-Patient Summaries provide information on important health related aspects such as allergies, current medication, previous illness, surgeries, etc. It is part of a larger collection of health data called an electronic Health Record. The digital Patient Summary is meant to provide doctors with essential information in their own language concerning the patient, when the patient comes from another EU country and there may be a linguistic barrier.

In the long term, medical images, lab results and hospital discharge reports will also be available across the EU, with the full health record to follow later on. The exchange of ePrescriptions and Patient Summaries is open to all the EU countries.

By 2025, both services will be gradually implemented in 25 EU countries: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Slovakia, Latvia, and Bulgaria.


The purpose of this wiki is to help you understand:

  • The functionality of the NCPeH CY cross boarder services
  • How to: PS A / eP A guidelines
  • HelpDesk information

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Wiki Page Find:
Main Page This page.
Helpdesk The telephone number for contacting the platform's support team.
Videos Videos describing the functionalities of the platform.

Platform Functionalities

Wiki Page Find:
Login How to login to the platform.
Register Patient How to register a new patient to the platform.
Search Patient The ways you can search and find a registered patient in the platform.
Patient Profile How to navigate in the Patient Profile screen of the platform.